Upon talking to stakeholders, we narrowed down our project scope by understanding the need on the ground (refer to product vision section). We did a deep dive into BVM peripherals and equipment availabilities on board a government ambulance which would transport patients to larger medical facilities from smaller ones. Below we have listed some of these components and concluded that they had all necessary components required to monitor a patients health during the journey and had a BVM available either onboard or loaned by the smaller medical setup. However, there is a need to automate the ventilation process as a single paramedic or family members cannot efficiently ensure the patient’s vitals are good while they are pumping the bag.

Items available onboard a 108 Ambulance (relevant to our project) in Gujarat, India:

  • Oxygen Cylinder
  • Blood Pressure detectors (sphygmomanometer)
  • AMBU/BVM (if not available onboard, borrowed from the hospital)
  • Intravenous Set
  • Pulse Oximeter
  • Medical Suction Machine
  • BVM Components:

    A BVM has three parts: a patient connector, a self-inflating bag, and an oxygen inlet. Optional components include a positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) valve, an oxygen reservoir, and a pressure gauge[5].

    Figure1: Shows the components of an AMBU/BVM including optional peripherals.

    Figure 2: shows the difference between venti-mask and endotracheal tube connection.

    On understanding the functions of each component, we concluded that we only required the self-inflating bag and the patient connector for automating the pumping mechanism.

    Below is a summary of basic requirements from the automated pumping functionality(for the purpose of our MVP):

  • The required pump rate, i.e. the number of breaths per minute is 12-16
  • Ensure the bag gets squeezed completely (ensuring maximum volume of gas pumped each time) and consistently
  • The amount of voltage and current to be supplied in order to provide enough torque required to achieve the previous requirement
  • We must ensure no damage is caused to the BVM as currently patients are charged a deposit for the BVM. It is refunded only if the BVM is undamaged during its use. Hence, the liability now lies on us.
  • In order to ensure the basic functional requirements were accounted for, we built evaluation criteria to judge the different design ideas explored. The criteria were as follows:

    We explored different ways of designing the pumping mechanism such as gear pumping, DC motor-driven pumping, pneumatic pumping and stepper motor-driven pumping with a strap. Since our team comprises of only Software and Computer Engineers and we are an Agile group, we decided to explore different design ideas via experimentation. We decided to implement the simplest approach because of expertise, time and budget constraints. We recognized that changing the hardware design in an agile fashion was not affordable as we could not keep buying new/expensive parts and increase electronic waste just for the sake of experimentation, hence, we decided to implement our design with repurposed parts.

    Our current experimentation design consists of a battery-powered motor, which rotates a shaft that a displaceable arm/mould/piston is attached to, which moves in a horizontal back and forth fashion (rotational motion translated to linear motion) enabling pumping of the self-inflating bag held in place. We adjust pump speed, displacement of the arm/mould/piston by configuring the motor using a microcontroller.

    We decided to use a 1.8degree 2phases Nema17 stepper motor by repurposing a damaged 3D printer as it would be able to provide us higher torque than other (readily available) motors. In order to ensure programmability of the motor, we connected it to a driver, Easy Driver (ROB-12779 by Sparkfun), borrowed from an acquaintance and an Arduino microcontroller (available at home). We used the 3D printer internal frame to access its rotational shafts.


    [5] Alterations in peak inspiratory pressure and tidal volume delivered by manually operated self inflating bag resuscitation bags as a function of oxygen supply rate. (2018). Alterations in Peak Inspiratory Pressure and Tidal Volume Delivered by Manually Operated Self Inflating Bag Resuscitation Bags as a Function of Oxygen Supply Rate. http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1806-37132008001000010&lng=pt&tlng=pt

    [6] Ambu bag / self inflating bag. (2018). Ambu Bag / Self Inflating Bag. https://www.pediatriconcall.com/medical-equipment/critical-care/8/ambu-bag–self-inflating-bag/22

    [7] Difference in Manual Ventilation: Self-Inflating Ventilation Bag vs. a Free Flow Inflating Bag. (2017). Difference in Manual Ventilation: Self-Inflating Ventilation Bag vs. a Free Flow Inflating Bag. https://airwayjedi.com/2017/03/26/manual-ventilation-self-inflating-vs-free-flow-bag/