Sprint Planning

Sprints contain and consist of the Sprint Planning, Daily Scrums, the development work, the Sprint Review, and the Sprint Retrospective.

An explanation of our team’s sprint plan, and how we intend to run our stand-ups can found in this video.

Stand Up (“Daily” Scrum)

We plan on running our Standups on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 3-3:30pm.

Standups serve as a platform where each team member can share their successes, any roadblocks and guarantee that the team is on the same page. Although the semester is virtual, we plan to give our updates standing (to keep everyone’s blood flowing). We are implementing the Round Robin technique for answering 3 main questions during our Standups. We will take turns in answering the questions listed below:

When an individual is answering either of the first two questions mentioned above, they should not be interrupted. To the contrary, when an individual expresses blockers they run into, team members are encouraged to lend a helping hand. Members ensure they are prepared before coming to each standup and should not go off topic for the standup duration. This approach will play a major role in keeping the team accountable.

We will document our conversations on the Stand Ups Stormboard attached to our (Team AF’s) Microsoft Teams private channel. As show below: