Sprint Review

The review meeting will take place on Sundays(biweekly) for an hour, after the end of each Sprint, in the spirit of keeping these meetings concise. During this meeting the product owner will walk the team through what is “done” and “not done” on the backlog. Thereafter, each member of the team will demonstrate what they have worked on for that sprint and answer questions on why they chose to design/implement things that way. These demos will allow us to appreciate the work everyone is putting in and make meaningful inquiries.

Following the demos, we can review the key delivery metrics to determine if we are inline with or deviating from our “Story Narrative” leading up to that sprint. In case we are deviating, we as a collective(Stakeholder feedbacks included) can decide whether we need to course correct or if the deviation is indeed a better alternative.

Finally, after looking into key metrics and the product, we can ellaborate on what comes next. This would be a good time to evaluate whether the existing story points need to be updated/modified to reflect the improvised “Story Narrative”, resulting in a revised backlog which will then be used for the next Sprint.