Welcome to Team A F

Team Members


Franz T. Newland


Project Methodology

Scrum Process

The Scrum Team

Scrum Teams are self-organizing and cross-functional teams- choosing how best to accomplish their work, rather than being directed by others outside the team.

They consist of a Product Owner, the Development Team, and a Scrum Master.

The Product Owner

Is responsible for maximizing the value of the product resulting from work of the Development Team. Also, is solely responsible for managing the Product Backlog.

Our team’s Product Owner is Shivani Joshi.

The Scrum Master

The Scrum Master is responsible for promoting and supporting Scrum- helping everyone understand Scrum theory, practices, rules, and values.

Our team’s Scrum master is Jonathan Blumenfeld.

The Development Team

The Development Team consists of professionals who do the work of delivering a potentially releasable. Their work increments the progress of “Done” product at the end of each Sprint.

Our team’s development team includes:

Gate 1

NOTE: For each Gate1 deliverable- Product Vision, and Agile sub-sections; please click on the subsection heading to be redirected to our team’s detailed explanation for that respective section.

Product Vision

Includes information on:

Feature Roadmap

A product release timeline for our project.

Sprint Planning

Define what can be delivered in the sprint and how that work will be achieved.

The Stand Up (Daily Scrum) is a 30-minute time-boxed event for the Project Team. At it, the Project Team discusses what was done in the last 48 hours and goes over what will be done in the next 48 hours.

Sprint Review Plan

Address backlog and decide what to move over to upcoming sprint i.e. Did we get the work done, and what feature will move our product forward?

Sprint Retrospective Plan

How is the process of running a sprint going? Should we change something?

Gate 2- Sprint Process

NOTE: For each Gate2 deliverable- presented as subsections below; please click on the subsection heading to be redirected to our team’s detailed explanation for that respective section.

Assign, track and assess team tasks and performance

Shows how we’re using Asana for assigning and accessing team tasks and performance.

Sprint1-Nov2nd to Nov7th

Contains all documentation of our first sprint, which we ran for one week. It includes a snapshot of our Asana sprint planning board (at the beginning and end of sprint), and sprint retrospective stormboard. The .csv file is an alternative method of taking a snapshot, where Asana allows our team to save literal copies of our sprint planning Asana board in the form of a .csv file.

If the above heading link break then this documentation can be accessed from here: https://github.com/SidB16/ENG4000-Team-A-F/tree/main/docs/sprint-Nov2nd-to-Nov9th

Sprint2-Nov11th to Nov25th

Contains all documentation of our second sprint, which we ran for two weeks. It includes a snapshot of our Asana sprint planning board (at the beginning and end of sprint), stand-up stormboard(s) and sprint retrospective stormboard.

If the above heading link break then this documentation can be accessed from here: https://github.com/SidB16/ENG4000-Team-A-F/tree/main/docs/sprint-Nov11th-to-Nov25th

Illustrating some powerful functionalities of Asana for Project Management

Show how’re we’re effectviely leveraging Asana to identify task dependencies. Also, track team and memeber performance.

If the above heading link break then this documentation can be accessed from here: https://github.com/SidB16/ENG4000-Team-A-F/tree/main/docs/asana_tracking_images

Strengths, Areas of Improvement, and ITPMetrics Completion status for every team member

Shows each team member’s ITP metric completion status. Furthermore, for each member it shows one way the member’s strength was utilized by the team and how, and one weakness identified by the member based on team workflow- how the member worked on improving it during the sprint(s).

December MVP

Agile process followed to develop a solution

This section details how the agile process was used to achieve a minimum viable product. It outlines the scope of the project, and details the components included in the final MVP design, as well as going over the functional requirements for the MVP.

System breakdown for team management and adjustement of project schedule

This section outlines our teams sprint process, including detailing the various types of meetings we ran, and overviews of each sprint.

Strengths and limitations of the proposed solution

In this section, we talk about the strengths of the design and the improvements that could be made for our future attempt.

Review design in terms of sustainability impact and negative consequences

We talked about our design’s environmental impact and negative consequences in terms of the 17 UN sustainability goals

Risk analysis during the project life cycle

This section talks about the risks we could encounter throughout the project cycle using SWOT analysis and how we tried to handle them.


The following two videos outline our MVP:

  1. MVP overview and proof of concept
  2. Final MVP design

Contributions & ITP Mertric Report Reflections

Alpha Release

System Health Reporting

By Siddharth Bhardwaj, this section details the alpha release of the system health reporting component of this project.

Alpha Design

Section focuses on the new pneumatic design and explains the functiong, relevance and configuration of each component.

System configuration and failure tracking

Section focuses on the mechanisms used to identify and troubleshoot failure in configured components.

Stakeholder Feedback

Section focuses on feedback provided by various engineering and medical professionals including stakeholders.

Final Product Roadmap

Section focuses on product release timeline for Alpha and future releases.

Beta Release

System Health Reporting Application

By Siddharth Bhardwaj, this is the Beta release of the system health reporting component of this project. Shows the website built in the beta release of this solution.

Beta Design

Beta Release Context, Current status of design, and Roadmap for Final Release.

Final Release

System Health Reporting Application

Built and documented by Siddharth Bhardwaj, this is the final release documentation of this end-to-end solution. This solution integrates with the automated pumping device (covered in subsequent sections) as a error reporting, and down-time mitigation component.

Automate - Automated BVM

Final Release documentation that details the design as-built, future plans and the team’s overall journey the course.